情報処理学会論文誌「音楽情報処理技術の進歩とその拡がり」特集号 マルチメディアコンテンツアップローダ
Multimedia Content Uploader for Special Issue of IPSJ Journal on Extensions and Advances in Music Information Processing


This page provides the multimedia content uploading service for Special Issue of IPSJ Journal on "Extensions and Advances in Music Information Processing." Authors contributing papers to this Special Issue can attach one multimedia content file as an appendix of the submitted paper. Please complete the uploading process by using the following Web form, based on the following instructions. Note that authors must complete paper submission before uploading the multimedia content file, since the paper receipt number will be required for this process.

マルチメディアコンテンツの注意事項 / Instructions for preparation of multimedia materials

アップロードフォーム / Uploader Form

論文受付番号 / Paper Receipt Number:

論文題目(日本語) / Paper Title (in Japanese):

Leave this blank if your contribution is in English.

論文題目(英語) / Paper Title (in English):

著者(日本語) / Author's Name (in Japanese):

Leave this blank if your contribution is in English.

著者(英語) / Author's Name (in English):

Separate the names by comma if your contribution is a work of joint authorship.

連絡先(電子メールアドレス) / Contact (E-mail Address):
確認のため連絡先をもう一度 / Re-input e-mail address for confirmation:

アップロードするファイル / File to be uploaded:

備考 / Notes:

入力が終わったら次のボタンを押してください / Click the following button to submit multimedia file:

The uploading takes time. Do not click the button twice.

トラブルがありましたら、 journal2016[at]sigmus.jp にお問い合わせください。
Please contact journal2016[at]sigmus.jp if you encounter any problems with the uploading procedure.